IDESG Newsletter #6

Election of At-Large Officers Now Underway

aThe Election of At-Large Officers opened on March 14 at 8:00 AM (ET) and closes on March 18 at 8:00 PM (ET). Voting takes place at Eligible voters should have already received a separate email with voting instructions. 


Plenary Chair

  • Bob Blakley (Citigroup)

Plenary Vice-Chair

Management Council Chair

Management Council At Large Delegates (two positions)

In Case You Missed It: Plenary Vice Chair Candidates Webinar

On Tuesday, March 12, a "Meet the Plenary Vice Chair Candidates Webinar" was held to give IDESG members a chance to get to know each candidate.


Watch the webinar recording here:


March 22: Online E-Deliberation Plenary Meeting


Friday, March 22, 2-5 PM ET



  • cCommittee Charter Reviews: The charters for some IDESG committee are found at After review, these charters will be voted on for approval by the Plenary members.
  • Ombudsman Complaint Procedure: Another agenda item will be the review and approval of the draft Ombudsman Complaint Procedure mandated by ROA Proviso #i3. This procedure has been posted on the IDESG website since January 14, 2013 and is now up for approval by the Plenary membership. View document at
  • Proposed Amendments to the Rules of Association (ROA)
    • Below please find the modified version of the Rules of Association that were adopted by the Plenary on November 11, 2012.
    • Shortly after adoption the Management Council created a subcommittee to review some administrative, governance and operational concerns.  The Subcommittee presented the revisions to the full Management Council on the 8th of January 2013.  Thereafter the subcommittee opened a dialogue with members of the Special Committee on Governance at the 3rd Plenary in Phoenix and a series of meetings which concluded on the 28th of February 2013.  The document above is the final result of that process.  We are also attaching a redline to show the extent of the changes from the current ROA.
    • It should be noted that the revisions breakdown in the following general areas:
      • Issue 1: General/errata - Proposed modification ##1 - 9, 40, 41, 44
      • Issue 2: Elections - Proposed modification ##10-32
      • Issue 3: Meeting Administration - Proposed modification ##24 - 33
      • Issue 4: Quorum - Proposed Modification ##34 - 39, 42
      • Issue 5: E-deliberation - Proposed Modification #43
      • Issue 6: Special Rule #1 - Proposed Modification #45
    • Please feel free to contact the Secretariat at with any questions or concerns.

March 26: Ballot on March 22 Meeting Documents Opens

IDESG Wiki is Now Live!

Find the IDESG Wiki at, or by clicking "Wiki" on the IDESG homepage menu bar. We urge you to check it out and start contributing on the Terminology, Standards, Use Cases, and Trust Frameworks work that has already begun on the Wiki. Visit to learn more. 

April 10: Ballot on Election of Stakeholder Category Delegates Opens

The Ballot on the Election of Stakeholder Category Delegates will open on April 10 at 8:00 AM (ET). This election will close on April 12 at 8:00 PM (ET).   

Subject to Change - View up-to-date version



Delegate, 1. Privacy & Civil Liberties

  • Lee Tien (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

Delegate, 2. Usability & Human Factors

Delegate, 3. Consumer Advocates

Delegate, 4. U.S. Federal Government

  • Deborah Gallagher (GSA)

Delegate, 5. U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government

  • Dave Burhop (Commonwealth of Virginia - Department of Motor Vehicles)

Delegate, 6. Research, Development, Education & Innovation

Delegate, 7. Identity & Attribute Providers

Delegate, 8. Interoperability

Delegate, 9. Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure

Delegate, 10. Regulated Industries

  • Mark Coderre (Aetna)

Delegate, 11. Small Business & Entrepreneurs

  • Kaliya Hamlin (Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium)
  • Ann Racuya-Robbins (World Knowledge Bank)

Delegate, 12. Security

Delegate, 13. Relying Parties

  • Pete Pouridis (The Neiman Marcus Group)

Delegate, 14. Unaffiliated Individuals

May 9-10: Plenary Meeting in Santa Clara, CA

gThe 4th IDESG Plenary Meeting will be held in Santa Clara, CA at the Network Meeting Center in Silicon Valley's TechMart, 5201 Great America Parkway, Suite 122 Santa Clara, CA 95054. 

ATTENTION COMMITTEES! Update the entire IDESG on your progress in the next newsletter by

For more information about the IDESG, including how to join and get involved in any committee, visit the IDESG website at